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⛓️ Trustlines

On the XRPL (the XRP Ledger), a trustline is like a friendly handshake that says, “I trust you enough to trade this type of token with you.” When you set up a trustline to another person (or company), you’re basically saying, “I’m okay receiving and holding up to this much of your token.”

To recieve any token on the XRPL, you need to first add the token trustline and this increases your wallet reserves by 0.2 XRP

It's very easy to add a trustline in the XRP MAXI Wallet

Simply send /addtrustline CURRENCY LIMIIT for assets with a recognized issuer.

or /addtrustline CURRENCY ISSUER LIMIT

When specifying trustline limits in commands, you can use the following abbreviations to represent large numbers in a compact format:

  • k: Thousand (e.g., 100k equals 100,000)
  • m: Million (e.g., 1.5m equals 1,500,000)
  • b: Billion (e.g., 2b equals 2,000,000,000)
  • t: Trillion (e.g., 3t equals 3,000,000,000,000)
  • q: Quadrillion (e.g., 1q equals 1,000,000,000,000,000)


  • /addtrustline RLUSD 1m sets a trustline limit of 1,000,000 for RLUSD.

You can share a special trustline link with others to make it easy for them to add a trustline for your token. When someone clicks your trustline link, our bot will guide them to add a trustline with the parameters specified in the link.

Trustline Link Format

Your trustline link follows this format:[-xrp<ReferralCode>]

  • add: Indicates the command for adding a trustline.
  • TOKEN: The token code (e.g., RLUSD or RLUSDADUCKIN).
    • If you omit the issuer in the link, our bot will use its internal settings to look up the correct issuer.
  • ISSUER: The issuer's XRP address.
    • If you want to use the default issuer (from our system), simply leave out this part. Only for known issuers and partners.
  • LIMIT: The trustline limit, written in shorthand notation.
    • You can use abbreviations to keep the link compact (see below).
  • ReferralCode (optional): An optional referral code that links the trustline to your referral rewards.
    • This appears in the link as -xrpRefCode. If present, it must be appended after the limit.

Abbreviations for Trustline Limits

You can use the following abbreviations to specify large numbers in a compact format:

  • k: Thousand (e.g., 100k equals 100,000)
  • m: Million (e.g., 1m equals 1,000,000)
  • b: Billion (e.g., 1b equals 1,000,000,000)
  • t: Trillion (e.g., 1t equals 1,000,000,000,000)
  • q: Quadrillion (e.g., 1q equals 1,000,000,000,000,000)


  1. Without Issuer and Referral:
    If you want to use the default issuer, simply omit the issuer parameter.

    This sets up a trustline for token RLUSD with a limit of 1,000,000 (using the default issuer).

  2. With Explicit Issuer:
    You can specify the issuer explicitly.

    This sets up a trustline for RLUSD with a limit of 1,000,000 using the specified issuer.

  3. With Referral Code:
    To include your referral, append -ref<ReferralCode> at the end.
    Example (with default issuer):

    Example (with explicit issuer):


  • Character Limit:
    The entire start parameter must not exceed 64 characters. We ensure our shorthand notation keeps it compact.
  • On-Chain Parameters:
    All parameters are passed directly in the deep link, so no external storage is needed.
  • Usage:
    Share your generated trustline link with others; when they click it, our bot will automatically use the provided token, issuer (if given), limit, and referral details to set up the trustline.

By following this format, you can easily generate and share a trustline link that works seamlessly on Telegram while remaining compact and user-friendly.